Its emulation core is based on Stella-Atari 2600. It allows one to play old Atari 2600 games in an operating system independent manner.
JStella Atari 2600 Emulator v.0.95 JStella is a Java-based Atari 2600 VCS emulator. JsMSX - Javascript MSX Emulator v.0.9.2 The first MSX Emulator 100% written in Javascript, using the new tag to display graphics efficiently in web browsers like Firefox. Integrates a debugger with breakpoints support, memory, viewer and more. JSGB - a JavaScript GameBoy Emulator v.b.0.02 JSGB is a Nintendo GameBoy emulator. The modular framework allows additional features to be swapped in without any massive rearchitecting of the. It is a faithful cycle-accurate emulation of an apple //e computer.
Java apple computer emulator v.1.0 jace is a java-based apple computer emulator. MSX EMULATOR MAC OSX MAC OS X
Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator v.32 The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (Fuse): an emulator of the 1980s home computer and various clones for Unix, Mac OS X and. eVAX has a limited ability to run VAX/VMS programs as. The emulator includes a "high function" console that supports assembly, disassembly, and debugging of VAX programs. EVAX - A VAX emulator v.1.0 eVAX is a software emulation of a VAX computer, written entirely in portable C. Emulates the Alpha AXP EV68CB processor and other. The goal is to have a drop-in replacement for real ES40's. The current version is capable of running OpenVMS with some limitations. AlphaServer ES40 Emulator v.1.0 A portable emulator for the HP (DEC, Compaq) AlphaServer ES40. Emulate wide range of AVR chip, wide range of their modules: EEPROM,USART, timers and so. Embedded simple debugger and disassembler. You can run your code before programming to chip.
Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC emulator for UNIX v.2.1 IMAVR is Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC chip emulator for UNIX. Previously, if you wanted to test and debug your mobile-friendly sites in Opera Mobile, you either needed a physical phone or. MSX EMULATOR MAC OSX FOR MAC
Opera Mobile Emulator for Mac and Linux v.11 Making sure that your site looks great and works exactly as it should in mobile browsers can often be a tedious process.